Monday, September 16, 2024

TIME CHANGE!! - Corvallis Great Global Greyhound Walk - September 29th - Walk Now Begins At 1:30 PM!!


                  The Great Global Greyhound Walk!

Join us here in beautiful Corvallis, Oregon as we stroll the beautiful campus of Oregon State University for the Great Global Greyhound Walk on Sunday, September 29th at 1:30 PM!

All Greyhounds, Sighthounds and Sighthound mixes are welcome to participate in this annual global event.

We'll stroll along the tree-lined walkways of the campus and enjoy a fall afternoon.  This will be a flat, non-strenuous walk with an opportunity to pause for coffee at the campus Dutch Bros. if so desired.  Total time of the walk will be no more than 1-hour.

Click on photo to enlarge

....and we'll likely see a few food-delivery robots rolling around the campus, delivering food to the unambitious Sunday college students 😉

We'll meet at 1:30 PM at the campus parking lot, one half-block north of 14th & Monroe.  We don't need a permit to park on campus on Sundays.

Follow this link for detailed information, as well as a map showing location.  Simply zoom in on the map to give you a precise location of the parking lot.

See you there!!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Great Global Greyhound Walks: Covallis & Eugene - Sunday, September 29th + TIME CHANGE FOR THE CORVALLIS WALK!


*** Please note: Time change for the Corvallis walk! ***
Eugene Walk
When: Sunday, September 29th @ 12:00 PM
Where: 5th Street Market in Eugene
             295 E. 5th Ave. in Eugene
Willamette Valley Greyhound Lovers will be hosting a GGG Walk in Eugene.

Let’s meet on the lower level of the 5th Street Market, close to Marche restaurant, by the south parking lot.   From there, we will walk a circle through downtown Eugene and back to the Market. Please feel free to bring your own festive bling for your greyhound—bandanas, leis, etc. See you at noon!
Kym Fleming
Corvallis Walk
When: Sunday, September 29th @1:30 PM
Where: OSU Campus (parking lot just south of 14th & Monroe)
Willamette Valley Greyhound Lovers will be hosting a GGG Walk in Corvallis.
We will take our walk on the shady OSU campus. Sunday is permit-free parking. There is a Dutch Bros on campus for the group to make a coffee stop, if desired.

Plan to walk about 45 minutes (not including coffee stop).
Barry Bottger

(See separate blog entry for more information on Corvallis Great Global Greyhound Walk)