Thursday, October 29, 2020

Rainbow Bridge: Foxfire

 Foxfire (Just Caught Fire)

October 2012 - August 2020

Loved by Amie & Terry Gates

At a young 7 years old, we said a sudden goodbye
to our beloved Foxfire. He was my introduction into
the world of Greyhound ownership
and he placed in me a deep love for the breed.
Though I feel he might have been a bit different
than the general Greyhound population in his dislike
for toys, water, or sleeping on his back, Fox was
perfect for our family. His gentle nature made so many
flock to him, even the non-pet lover.

On a sunny day in August, after his daily high speed run
around our backyard with our other family dog, Fox suddenly
was not well. As a Veterinary Technician for 16 years,
I helplessly watched my vibrant boy collapse and pass away.
Medically I was watching his end approach so quickly,
but my heart and mind were not ready or willing to accept it.
Thankfully it was peaceful for him, if not
heartwrenching for my family and I.

Fox has been incredibly missed, but I will always keep
a tight hold to the wonderful memories I have of him.

Run free my big Foxy Loxy!


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